Tim Drake was the third Robin, replacing Jason Todd after he deduced that the second Robin was dead (something Batman initially kept secret). Tim, who is considered the most intelligent of the Robins, essentially convinced Batman to make him the new Robin. Bruce was reluctant to do so, but also saw it as a chance to redeem the errors he had made with Jason Todd. Tim is also the first openly bisexual member of the Bat Family.
A new chapter of Robin's story begins, but it won’t take long for chaos to arrive at Gotham Marina! After years away, Tim Drake is back in a brand-spanking-new Robin series of his very own—and his adventures continue in this second volume! There’s a sense of calm in Tim’s new stomping grounds of the Gotham Marina—but that’s not going to last long. But first: date night for Tim and his boyfriend Bernard! Then, it’s a full-fledged team-up as Batwoman shows up with a mystery only the world’s best Robin can solve—if they can learn to work together, that is. They better figure it out fast if they’re going to free themselves from the Chaos Monsters!