OTHER REVIEWS IN THIS SERIES: Raven | Beast Boy | Beast Boy Loves Raven | Robin | Starfire Starfire is the latest volume in the Teen Titans series by Kami Garcia and illustrated by Gabriel Picolo. Kori is a college student studying astronomy. She lives in California with her older sister, Kira, younger brother and mother. The sisters are close — but also very different. While Kira is vivacious and outgoing, Kori is an introvert, a condition made worse by Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome (EDS), a painful connective tissue disorder that cause her joints to swell. Their mother is absent most of the time, preoccupied with her pending marriage to rich douchebag Lynch Fairweather, owner of Edge Pharmaceuticals. Kira is equally besotted by Lynch's nephew, Tate, and Kori doesn't like either one of them. Despite this, she allows Kira and Tate to talk her into participating in an Edge study about new treatments for EDS. While touring the Edge facility, Kori meets and befriends Victor Stone, a.k.a. Cyborg. Victor also has misgivings about the Fairweathers and helps uncover that the Edge EDS "study" is actually the an attempt to gauge the extent of Kira and Kori's superpowers at the behest of H.I.V.E. Yes, this is the same H.I.V.E. from the previous books — the shadowy agency who employs Slade Wilson and imprisoned and tortured Rachel and Garfield in Beast Boy Loves Raven. Kira refuses to listen to Kori's revelations, but Kori finds kindred spirits when the Titans (Dick, Damian, Max, Garfield and Raven) show up with news that Slade Wilson is hunting her. After coming together, the new team decides it's time to take the fight to H.I.V.E. One of the things I really appreciate about Kami Garcia's take on the Teen Titans is addressing superpowers as sometimes being medical or mental health challenges as well. This has been done a few times in the DC Universe, most notably with Tom King's Heroes in Crisis, which took a deep dive into how having the responsibility of superpowers can impact one's emotional well-being. In Starfire, Kori's superpowers manifest originally as a disability. Yet she learns to see her challenges as part of her identity (in the same way Rachel did with her demonic pedigree, Logan did with his amino acid deficiency and Damien did with his abusive background and rage issues). Despite their varied backgrounds and problems, they manage to come together. I don't know when the next volume comes out, but it looks like we'll actually see the Teen Titans as an organized super team! RELATED: Comics Collections | Teen Titans Fans Collection | Damian Wayne Collection | Nightwing, Batman and Adoption Problem | Nightwing Collection Comments are closed.
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